About The Software

You can generate thousands of fresh leads for any business niche or industry in under 4 seconds. Never worry about generating leads again!

Instantly find verified fresh leads for almost any niche market. Make phone calls with built-in dialer or send broadcast emails with our broadcast system. You get 10 easy-to-follow training videos and lifetime access to this powerful lead producing software. Unlimited leads for you.

Targeted Leads

Find qualified buyers for your services and products. Phone or email these leads direct and reach decision makers.

Verified Leads

You get email and phone verified leads so you earn more money for every marketing dollar you spend marketing.

Fresh Leads

Lead API is updated regularly to guarantee you get only the freshest business leads available anywhere.

7 Best Ways To Profit With Leads

Sell Websites

Less than two-thirds of small business owners have a website. Create simple WordPress sites for these business leads and earn $1,000+ per website.

Monetize Any Niche

Your access to this powerful software lets you become a 'Monetization Master' for any niche market. Enter any niche confident that you'll have leads.


Sell local SEO services for GBP and eCommerce sites. Create endless leads for your clients. Drive traffic to client websites using these leads.

Digital Marketing

Sell them Digital Marketing. These leads are excellent prospects for SEO, Facebook Ads, and other marketing services. Unlimited leads for you.

Become "Leads Guy"

Sell leads to other marketers and businesses. You'll have millions of fresh leads at your fingertips. Everyone will turn to you as for "hot" leads.

Call Them Direct

Give them a call and begin selling your services and products. You'll have their phone number for instant contact. Use built-in phone system or your phone.

Email Marketing

Email decision makers direct. Email R.O.I. is an impressive $36 for every $1 spent. Broadcast system included or add leads to your autoresponder.

Get Thousands of Leads

Lifetime Access to Unlimited Leads


"Closed a deal worth over $58,000 in just 7 days after purchasing this software access. I've stopped spending money on lead generation."
Ted L.
Dallas, Texas
"I was running ads on Facebook and spending thousands to get these same leads. I use this software to find leads in any niche market."

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